Chapter 1: Solutions
Expressing the Concentration of Solution
Solubility of Gases And Solids In Liquids
Vapour Pressure of Liquid Solutions
Ideal and Non-Ideal Solution
Colligative Properties
Osmosis and Osmotic Pressure
Abnormal Molar Masses
Chapter 2: Electro Chemistry
Classification of Electrolytes
Electrolytic Conduction
Variation of Conductivity and Molar Conductivity
Electrochemical Cells
Electrode Potential and E.M.F. of a Galvanic Cell
Electrochemical Series
Nernst Equation
Electrolytic Cells
Products of Electrolysis
Chapter 3: Chemical Kinetics
Rate of a chemical Reaction
Factors influencing rates of a chemical reaction
Order of a Reaction
Molecularity of a reaction
Integrated Rate Expression
Experimental Determination of order of a reaction
Half Life Period of A Reaction
Collision Theory
Arrhenius Equation And Activation Energy
Effect of Catalyst on Reaction Rate
Chapter 4: Surface Chemistry
Types of Adsorption
Adsorption of Gases on Solids
Adsorption Isotherms and Isobars
Application of Adsorption
Catalysis and Classification of catalyst
Modern Adsorption Theory and Features of Solid Catalyst
Enzyme Catalysis
Mechanism of Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Catalyst
Mechanism of Enzyme Catalysed Reaction and Zeolites
Colloidal State
Classification of Colloids
Coagulation and Protection of Colloidal Solution
Properties of Colloidal Solution
Methods of Preparation and Purification of Colloidal Solutions
Coagulation and Protection of Colloidal Solution
Emulsions, Gels and Application of Colloids
Chapter 5: General Principles and Processes of Isolation of Elements
Modes of Occurrence of Elements and Metals
Crushing, Grinding and Concentration of the Ore
Extraction of Crude Metal from Concentrated Ore
Purification or refining of the Metal
Thermodynamic and Electrochemical Principle of Metallurgy
Extraction of Aluminium
Extraction of Iron
Extraction of Copper and Zinc
Uses of Aluminium, Copper, Zinc and Iron
Chapter 6: The p-block Elements
Characteristics and Physical Properties of Group 15 Elements
Chemical Properties of Group 15 Elements
Dinitrogen and Ammonia
Oxides of Nitrogen
Nitric Acid
Phosphorus and Phosphine
Halides and Oxides of Phosphorus
Oxoacids of Phosphorus
Physical Properties of Group 16 Elements
Chemical Properties of Group 16 Elements
Allotropes of Sulphur and Sulphur Dioxide
Sulphuric Acid
Physical Properties of Group 17 elements
Chemical Properties of Group 17 Elements
Hydrogen Chloride
Oxoacids of Halogens and Interhalogen Compounds
Characteristics and Physical Properties of Group 18 Elements
Compounds of Xenon and uses of Noble Gases
Chapter 7: Coordination Compounds
Coordination Compounds
Werner’s Coordination Theory
Terms used in Coordination compounds
IUPAC Nomenclature of Coordination Compounds
Isomerism in Coordination Compounds
Valence Bond Theory For Bonding In Coordination Compounds
Crystal Field Theory
Stability of Coordination Compounds in Solution
Method of Preparation and Importance of Coordination Compounds
Metal Carbonyls
Organometallic Compounds
Chapter 8: d and f Block Elements
Characteristics and Electronic Configuration of Transition Elements
Atomic Radii, Metallic Character, Enthalpy of Atomisation & Density of Transition Elements
Melting & Boiling Point, Ionisation Enthalpies & Oxidation State of Transition Elements
Standard Electrode Potential and Formation of Coloured Ions
Tendency to form Complexes, Formation of Interstitial compounds and Alloys, Catalytic Properties
Trends in Stability of Higher Oxidation States and Magnetic Properties
Potassium Dichromate
Potassium Permanganate
Characteristics of Lanthanoids
Chemical Reactivity, Solubility and Basic Character of Lanthanoids
Lanthanoid Contraction
Characteristics of Actinides