Question 1 Name one plant disease caused by fungi?
Question 2 Name one plant disease caused by virus?
Question 3 Name one plant disease caused by bacteria?
Question 4 What is the mode of transmission of disease rust of wheat?
Question 5 What is the mode of transmission of disease citrus canker?
Question 6 What is the mode of transmission of disease yellow vein of bhindi?
Disease causing Micro-Organism in Plants
Some of the common plant diseases caused by micro-organism are: Rust of wheat, citrus canker, yellow vein mosaic of bhindi
1)The plant disease called rust of wheat is caused by fungi. Thus the causative micro-organism of rust of wheat disease is fungus. It is transmitted through air and seeds. It occurs in wheat plant.
2)The plant disease called citrus canker is caused by bacteria. So the causative micro-organism of citrus canker disease are bacteria. It is transmitted through air. It occurs in citrus trees such as lemon, lime, orange etc.
3)The plant disease called yellow vein mosaic of bhindi is caused by a virus. The causative micro-organism of this plant disease is virus. It is transmitted through insects.
The disease of plants caused by micro-organism reduce the yield and quality of various crops. The plant disease can be controlled by the use of certain chemicals which kill the disease-causing micro-organism.
Other Notes from Chapter 2 Micro Organisms Friend and Foe
- Micro-Organisms
- Groups of Micro Organism
- Where do Micro Organism Live
- Useful Micro organism
- Making of Curd and Bread
- Commercial Use of Micro organism
- Medicinal Use of Micro oragnaism
- Increasing Soil Fertility
- Cleaning the Environment
- Harmful Micro Organism
- Carriers of Disease causing micro organism
- Disease Causing Micro organisms in Animals
- Food poisoning
- Preservation of Food
- Preservation by sun-drying, Heating, Cooling
- Preservation by Deep Freezing,Common Salt, Sugar
- Preservation of food by mustard oil and Vinegar, Chemicals, Pasteurisation, Air-tight Packets
- Nitrogen Fixation
- Nitrogen Cycle
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