Question 1 What is sowing?
Question 2 How sowing of crops is done by hands?
Question 3 How sowing of crops is done by seed drill?
Question 4 What are the disadvantages of sowing of crops by hands?
Question 5 What are the advantages of sowing of crops by seed drill?
Question 6 What precaution should be taken while sowing seeds?
NCERT Solutions – Chapter 1 Crop Production and Management
Definition of Sowing
The process of scattering seeds in the ground soil for growing the crop plants is called sowing. Before sowing good quality seeds are selected.
Methods of sowing seeds
There are two methods of sowing the seeds in the soil.These are:
1) Sowing by hand
2) Sowing with a seed drill
Sowing by hand
The seeds are taken in hand and gradually scattered in the entire ploughed field.
1) There is no proper spacing or proper depth at which seed are sown.
2) The seeds scattered on the surface of the soil for sowing can be picked up and eaten by the birds.
Sowing with a seed drill
A seed drill is a long iron tube having a funnel at the top.The seed drill is tied to back of the plough and seeds are put into the funnel of the seed drill.As the plough makes furrows in the soil,the seed from seed drill are gradually released and sown into the soil.
Advantages of Sowing with a dril
1) The seeds are sown at the correct depth and correct interval.
2) The seeds get covered by soil. Due to this these seeds cannot be picked up and eaten by the birds.
3) The seeds sown with a seed drill are in regular rows.
4) It saves time and labour.
Precautions for sowing seeds
1) The seeds should be sown at right depth in the soil.
2) The seeds should be sown at right interval or spacing.
3) The seeds should not be sown in a dry soil.
4) The seeds should not be sown in a highly wet soil.
Other Notes from Chapter 1 Crop Production and Management
- Crops
- Types of Crops
- Preparation of Soil
- Manures
- Fertilisers
- Crop Rotation
- Irrigation
- Methods of Irrigation
- Weeding
- Harvesting
- Storage of Food Grains
Good, comprehensive and concise.
Very helpful… Thanks
a very good website for students………………………thanks very much
very helpful and good. Thank you very much for the help. 🙂
Very good
It is helpful for me
Very nice help
It helps me in exam thanks
Knowledgeable information thankyou
It was during the last day of the exam was greatly appreciated… Very Thanks !!!