Question 1 What are the function of nervous tissue?
Question 2 Define the term neuron?
Question 3 Explain the structure of nerve cell?
Nervous Tissue
They are highly specialised for being stimulated and then transmitting the stimulus very rapidly from one place to another.
Brain, spinal cord, nerves are made up of nervous tissue.
Nervous tissue contain unit cell called nerve cell or neurons.
The impulses travel one one neuron to another neuron.
Structure of nerve cell
(1) It consist of cell body which contain central nucleus and cytoplasm from which long thin hair like part arises called dendrons.
(2) The axon is a single, long, cylindrical structure that conduct electrical impulses away from neuron’s cell body.
(3) The dendrons further branches into dendrites.
Thank u soo much it’s very helpful for me ☺☺☺☺☺
Thank u Bhumi
thanks helped a lot ……….
9th is very hard classss
Thank you very much mam for creating this website, it is very fabulous..
Yes! It also helped in our science fair
Thank you so much mam it’s very helpful for me ☺️
thank u mam
Thank u mam it was very useful ☺️☺️
This very very helpful . This helped me in biology seminar
I like all this notes thanks from understand me better
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As a teacher it’s much helpful for me to dictate notes for class 9 students.
Thanks u madam ji bhoot kaam aye ye mere