Question 1. What are complex tissue?
Question 2. Name two types of complex tissues?
Question 3. What is the function of xylem in plants?
Question 4. What is the function of phloem in plants?
Question 5. Name different types of xylem tissue?
Question 6. Name different types of phloem tissue?
Question 7. Differentiate between tracheid and vessels?
The complex tissue consist of more than one type of cells. All the cells coordinate to perform a common function. They transport water, minerals salts, food material to various parts of plant body.
They are of 2 types:
They are conducting tissue and called as vascular tissue.
It is composed of 4 different types of cell :-
It is composed of 4 types of cells :-
(2) Companion cell: They are associated with sieve tubes is a small thin walled cells containing dense and very active cytoplasm an large elongated nucleus.
(3) Phloem parenchyma
(4) Phloem fibres: They are dead cells.
Thank you and it really helped me a lot
Very nice
Mere to full marks aaye
It was really helpful.i got clear information about complex tissue,xylem,phloem related to my course.thanks class and Google assistant….
Thank you its really help me for my examination
thank u so much this helped me alot
i find these notes extraordinary …
nice notes
It is really very helpful
Thanks to ❤
And also thanks to Mrs Shilpi Nagpal Miss