Question 1 Define the term Newton?
Question 2 What is the unit of force?
Question 3 What happen if the two forces applied to an object act in the same direction. Explain with example?
Question 4 What happen if the two forces applied to an object act in the opposite direction. Explain with example?
Question 5 What happen if the two forces applied to an object are equal in magnitude and act in opposite direction. Explain with example?
A force can be larger or smaller than the other force.
The strength of a force is expressed by its magnitude.
The magnitude of a force is expressed in the SI unit of force called Newton.
1 Newton is the force which can make an object of 1 kilogram mass to move at a speed of 1 meter per second. The direction in which a force acts is also to be specified. If the magnitude or direction of the applied force changes the effect produced by force also changes.
The force can act in the same direction or in the opposite direction:
(1) If the two forces applied to an object act in the same direction ,then the resultant force acting on the object is equal to the sum of two forces: When two forces act in the same direction their effective magnitude increases.
For Example: Suppose there is a heavy Box which 1 man can move only by pushing it very hard. Now if two men push this heavy box in same direction, it become much easier to move the heavy box because when the two men apply their forces of push together in the same direction, the two forces adds up to provide a much bigger force. And this bigger force can move the heavy object very easily.
(2) If the two forces applied to an object act in the opposite direction, then the net force acting on the object is equal to the difference between the two forces: When the two forces act in opposite direction their effective magnitude decreases.
For Example: Suppose there is a heavy box lying on the ground. Let the two men push this box from opposite direction. If one of the men is stronger of the two and applies a larger pushing force than the other man, the box will move in that direction in which larger force is applied by the stronger man. The box will move very slowly in this case because the net force acting on the box is equal to the difference in the magnitude of the two forces applied by the two men.
(3) If the two forces applied to an object are equal in magnitude and act in opposite direction then the net force acting on the object zero: Since the net force acting on the object is zero, the object does not move at all. For Ex: If the two men push the heavy box from opposite direction by applying exactly equal forces then the heavy box will not move at all.
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