Question 1 What is meant by rapid combustion. Give example?
Question 2 What is meant by spontaneous combustion. Give example?
Question 3 What is explosive combustion. Give example?
Types of Combustion
The three important types of combustion are:
1) Rapid combustion
2) Spontaneous combustion
3) Explosive combustion
Rapid Combustion
The combustion reaction in which a large amount of heat and light are produced in a short time is called rapid combustion.
For Example :
1) The immediate burning of cooking gas in a gas stove to give heat and light.
2) The burning of kerosene oil in kerosene stove.
3) Burning of wax in a candle
Spontaneous Combustion
The combustion reaction which occur on its own(without the help of any external heat)is called聽Spontaneous combustion. It place at room temperature. The heat required for spontaneous combustion is produced inside the substance by its slow oxidation.
Spontaneous combustion take place at room temperature. The heat required for spontaneous combustion is produced inside the substance by its slow oxidation. It is usually undergone by those substances which have quite low ignition temperature.
For Example :
1) The burning of White phosphorus on its own at room temperature is an example of spontaneous combustion.
2) The spontaneous combustion of coal dust has resulted in many disastrous fires in coal mines.
3) Forest fire can also be started by spontaneous combustion reaction due to the heat of the sun or due to spark of lightning from the sky.
4) Spontaneous combustion of straw and forest wood take place leading to forest fires.
Explosive Combustion
A very fast combustion reaction in which a large amount of heat, light and sound are produced is called explosive combustion.
A large amount of gases is released quickly. It is the rapid expansion of these gases which causes a loud sound.
The fireworks which we explode during festivals work on the explosive combustion of substances. When a cracker is ignited with a burning matchstick, the chemicals present in it undergoes a sudden combustion producing heat, light and a large volume of gases.
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Yes correct. It helps me
It helped me i was confused between rapid and spontaneous combustion .
It is very good and useful information.
Fabulous and helpful for cbse board and icse board learners.
It is very good webpage
It’s nice. It helped me a lot.
It helped me to get out of types of combustion
Bro you are so sweet
Awesome website
Very helpful for cbse board
Very good
thank you madam I am of 8 th class it helped me lot
Thanks it has helped for understanding better way…
It’s helpful
I was confused about the explosive combustion but now it’s clear…………………………………..
Well done very gud..
It helped me for my exam.
It was really very helpful for me my papers are coming close and it was difficult to understand these topics by the NCERT book.
Thanks 馃檪
Yes it is very useful for me and I know it is very usefull for everyone
Thnq so much for helping me.
Wow, this is nice. thank you