Question 1 Name any four food products prepared from milk?
Question 2 Name five food material which come from animals?
Question 3 Name the food item provided by honey bee?
Question 4 How do honeybees make honey?
Question 5 what is a hive?
Also Read NCERT Solutions for Chapter 1 Food : Where does it come from?
Animal products which are used as food are eggs, chicken, mutton, fish, honey, milk etc.
Milk is used for drinking purpose, converted into other useful products such as curd, butter, ghee, cheese. Fish gives us cod liver oil which is rich in vitamin A.
Honey is produced by honey bees. Bees collect nectar (sugary liquid) from the flowers and convert it into honey. The bees store this honey in the structure called hive.
The hives containing honey are called honeycombs. Honey is collected from such honeycombs.
Human being eats plant food as well as animal food.
The animals eat only a few type of food :
1 Buffalo and cow : grass, grains, hay, oil cakes
2 Goats : grass, leaves of plant, grains
3 Dogs : plant food (chapatti, bread ), animal food (meat ), drinks milk
4 Cat : rat, drinks milk, birds
5 Rat : grains, paper cloth
6 lion or tiger : flesh of forest animals
7 Bear : small forest animals, fruits
8 Rabbit :carrot, grass, leaves of plants
9 Vultures : flesh of dead animals
10 Crow : grains, insects
11 Frogs : insects, worm
12 Sparrow : grains, small insects
13 Pigeon : grains
14 lizard : insects
15 Fish :small aquatic plants and animals
Notes for Chapter 1 : Food Where Does it Come From? |
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