Question 1 What is puberty?
Question 2 Who attain puberty at an earlier age in human beings: Boys or girls?
Question 3 Which is the most conspicuous change in boys and girls during puberty?
Question 4 State changes that happens during puberty in boys?
Question 5 State changes that happens during puberty in girls?
A baby is born with a full set of reproductive organs, these organs do not function during the first 10 or 12 years of life. Under the influence of hormones produced in the body, the reproductive organs become active at the time known as puberty.
At puberty, sex hormones or gametes begin to be produced due to which the boys and girls become sexually mature.
The period during which adolescent boys and girls reach sexual maturity and become capable of reproduction is called puberty.
Puberty is a period of several years in which rapid physical growth occurs leading to sexual maturity. It tends to start earlier in girls than in boys. Girls attain puberty at a age of 10 to 13 yrs while boys reach puberty at a age of 12 to 14 yrs.
Changes which occur in boys during puberty are:
(1) Hair grow on the face in the form of moustache and beard, and on the chest.
(2) Voice deepens in boys. It becomes low pitched voice.
(3) Testes start to make sperm.
(4) Testes and penis become larger.
(5) Chest and shoulders of boys broaden.
(6) Body become muscular.
(7) Hair grows in armpits and in pubic regions between the thighs.
(8) Rapid increase in height occurs.
(9) Feeling sexual drives associated with adulthood begin to develop.
Changes which occur in girls during puberty are:
(1) Breasts develop and enlarges in girls.
(2) Ovaries start to release eggs.
(3) Menstruation begin.
(4) Ovaries, oviducts, uterus ,vagina enlarges.
(5) Hips of girls broaden. Extra fat is deposited on hips and thighs.
(6) Hair grow in armpits and in pubic regions between the thighs.
(7) Rapid increase in height occurs.
(8) Feeling sexual drives associated with adulthood begin to develop.
Very much helpful .Thank you very much ma’am.
Very very nice explanation
Very easy way to understand the answer
Very good answer
Very precise n thorough informations helpful in all aspects of life
Thank you so much mam it’s really too help full for us…
Wonderfully Explained…I appreciate the hardwork…Thank you very much.
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