Question 1 Name the unit in which calorific value of a fuel is expressed?
Question 2 Name few solid fuels?
Question 3 Name few liquid fuels?
Question 4 Name few gaseous fuels?
Question 5 Define the term calorific value of fuels?
Question 6 What are the characteristics of ideal fuel?
Question 7 The calorific value of LPG is 55000 KJ/Kg.What does it mean?
A material which is burnt to produce heat is called a fuel.
For Ex:Wood,coal,LPG,Kerosene,petrol,diesel,natural gas,biogas.
A fuel is a very good source of heat.The heat energy produced by burning a fuel can be used directly to cook food,for running motor vehicles and factory machines,can be converted into electrical energy at thermal power stations.
There are 3 types of fuels:
1)Solid Fuels:Wood,charcoal,coal,coke,cow-dung cakes.
2)Liquid Fuels:Kerosene,petrol,diesel,alcohol.
3)Gaseous fuels:Coal gas,natural gas
Calorific value of fuel
Different fuels produce different amounts of heat on burning.
The amount of heat produced by the complete burning or combustion of 1Kilogram of a fuel is called its calorific value.
The calorific value of a fuel is expressed in the unit of Kilojoules per kilogram.
For Ex:The calorific value of kerosene is 45000KJ/Kg means when 1Kg of kerosene is burned completely then 45000 KJ of heat energy is produced.
The calorific value of a fuel is also known as heat value.
The calorific value of LPG is 55000KJ/Kg means when 1Kg of LPG is burned completely then 55000 KJ of heat energy is produced.
The calorific value of LPG is much higher than the calorific value of cow-dung cakes and coal.This means that burning of a given amount of LPG will produce much more heat than burning the same amount of cow-dung cakes or coal.
Characteristics of ideal fuel
1)It has a high calorific value
2)It burns easily in air at a moderate rate
3)It has proper ignition temperature
4)It does not produce any harmful gases or leaves any residue after burning
5)It is cheap,readily available,easy to transport.
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