Reference Book | Ratna Sagar Integrated Social Science |
Class | Class 7 |
Category | Social & Political Life (Civics) |
Chapter Number | Chapter 2 |
Chapter Name | Pillars Of Democracy |
A) Tick (✓) the correct answers.
1) Democracy is the expression of the _________ of the people.
a) anger
b) norms
c) will ✓
d) thoughts
2) If none of the political parties gets a majority, a ________ government is formed.
a) new
b) coalition ✓
c) small
d) none of the three
3) ________ can be described as the wishes of the people on matters of public concern.
a) Public opinion ✓
b) Enlightened citizens
c) elections
d) liberty and equality
4) ______ is a virtue which makes for a successful democracy.
a) Goodness
b) Perseverance
c) Patience
d) Tolerance ✓
5) _____ not coercion is the method of a democratic government.
a) Force
b) Persuasion ✓
c) Tolerance
d) Resourcefulness
B) Fill in the blanks
1) Party leaders enlighten the voters at the time of elections.
2) Since ancient times, India has been known for its tolerance.
3) Violence or use of force has no place in a democracy.
4) Political parties should place national interest above all other interests.
C) Give short answers for the following questions.
Que 1) How is political awareness an important condition for democracy?
Ans Political awareness is an important condition of democracy. Politically enlightened citizens will be able to judge the performance of the government and make the correct choice of their representatives by evaluating the merits and demerits of different candidates. Such voters will not be easily swayed by false promises made by the candidates or by their money or muscle power.
Que 2) Why is public opinion essential for a democracy to work?
Ans Public opinion, as a decision- making mechanism, plays a major role in a democracy. A democratic system grants people the right to formulate sound public opinion and the right to express it properly. If the government ignores or suppresses public opinion, people can remove it in the next elections. The wishes of the people on any issue or problem may be described as public opinion. It generally is the opinion of the majority of the people. Enlightened citizens, led by wise leaders, can create a sound public opinion. There are many agencies, such as political parties and mass media, that help in formulating public opinion. If these agencies function selflessly, the country will have a sound public opinion, which is so essential for a democracy.
Que 3) What are the prerequisites for a political party in a democracy?
Ans Political parties are the soul of democracy, it is important that parties have a national outlook. They should place national interest above everything else. They should not stand for a particular religion, caste or region. Parties based on such narrow considerations may cause unrest among the people and even lead to fragmentation of the nation. National integration, not fragmentation, should be the goal of all parties.
D) Give long answers for the following questions.
Que 1) Discuss how intolerance can destroy the democratic system of a country.
Ans Intolerance destroys the very foundation of democracy. Just as an intolerant majority can damage the country’s democratic structure, so also an intolerant minority can do the same. Unnecessary agitations, bandhs, violent protests, etc. become forms of minority intolerance when they cripple public life and create roadblocks for the implementation of people-friendly programmes of the government.
Therefore, it is essential in a democracy to respect the freedom of the majority to run the government and the minority’s freedom to express its opinions.
Que 2)What do you understand by ‘political discipline of citizens’?
Ans For efficient functioning of a democratic government, the citizens of the country need to be politically aware and disciplined.
First, it means that the citizens should be aware of their rights and duties. They should be willing to fight for their rights, as also be equally willing to perform their duties.
Second, violence or use of force has no place in a democracy. Persuasion, not coercion, is the method of such a government. People should use persuasion to bring about change. This is possible only if the citizens are disciplined.
Third, freedom being the essence of democracy, disagreements are unavoidable. People should respect the views of others even if those views are in sharp contrast with their own. Thus, enlightened, tolerant and disciplined citizens are an essential condition for the successful working of democracy.
Que 3) Equality and human dignity are the core values of a democracy. Discuss?
Ans Democracy is based on the principles of equality and human dignity. A democratic country should be free from all forms of discriminations.The rule of law, which is essential element of democracy, means that every citizen is equal before the law. We also have a judicial system which anyone can approach if justice has been denied to her or him. There can be some people who think they are superior to others. Their arrogance may make them look at others as inferior human beings or slaves or servants. Some may even indulge in insulting the weaker ones through harsh words and malicious deeds. Such humiliations are clear violations of human dignity. Human dignity is the core value of democracy. A society can be called democratic only if all its members are respected as human beings and with dignity.
Que 4) Why should caste and religious sentiments not be allowed to play an important role in elections in a democracy?
Ans Caste and religious sentiments should not be allowed to play an important role in elections in a democracy. It is important that political parties should have a national outlook. They should place national interest above everything else. They should not stand for a particular religion, caste or region. Parties based on such narrow considerations may cause unrest among the people and even lead to fragmentation of the nation. National integration, not fragmentation, should be the goal of all parties.
thank u this is helpping me a lot
Nice answers but pls try to shortify.