A syllable or a word part added to the beginning of the word is called as prefix. They never change the part of speech. A prefix has a meaning, but it is not a word.
Examples of prefix : dis, un, re, co, bi, be pre, non, im, dis, mis, sub, super, anti, over
un + happy | unhappy |
re+ do | redo |
co+ exist | coexist |
re + pay | repay |
pre + mature | premature |
im + possible | impossible |
non+ fiction | non-fiction |
dis + agree | disagree |
re + build | rebuild |
pre + view | preview |
mis + understand | misunderstand |
re + cycle | recycle |
bi + annual | biannual |
re + write | rewrite |
un+ tidy | untidy |
dis + honest | dishonest |
mis + behave | misbehave |
non + sense | nonsense |
dis + advantage | disadvantage |
re + appear | reappear |
in + active | inactive |
mis + lead | mislead |
sub + continent | subcontinent |
dis + continue | discontinue |
re + fresh | refresh |
in + visible | invisible |
sub + way | subway |
mis+ conduct | misconduct |
in+ capable | incapable |
auto + pilot | autopilot |
dis + agree | disagree |
in + complete | incomplete |
sub + merge | submerge |
dis + obedient | disobedient |
sub + title | subtitle |
re + place | replace |
in + formal | informal |
il + legal | illegal |
super + market | supermarket |
dis + obey | disobey |
auto + graph | autograph |
inter + view | interview |
inter + state | interstate |
re + fill | refill |
in + appropriate | inappropriate |
il + logical | illogical |
auto + biography | autobiography |
super + man | superman |
in + adequate | inadequate |
re + move | remove |
un + fair | unfair |
anti + freeze | antifreeze |
im + portant | important |
pro + active | proactive |
sub + marine | submarine |
inter + face | interface |
re + use | reuse |
pre + school | preschool |
anti + virus | antivirus |
semi+ final | semifinal |
post+ graduate | postgraduate |
anti + clockwise | anticlockwise |
tri+ cycle | tricycle |
ex + president | ex-president |
ultra + sound | ultrasound |
self + respect | self-respect |
co+ worker | co-worker |
re+ lay | relay |
anti + social | antisocial |
in + visible | invisible |
pre + history | prehistory |
pro + active | proactive |
in + direct | indirect |
over + cook | overcook |
un + pack | unpack |
anti + bacterial | antibacterial |
A suffix is a word part that is placed at the end of a base word. A suffix often transforms a word into a new part of speech. Common suffixes include ed, ing, est, es, ish, er, able, s, ful, less, ly, ment, ness, or, tion, al, y, ty, ous, eous, ive etc.
Types of Suffix
(a) Consonant Suffix : ly, ness, ful, ment, less, er, ance, ing, est, ed,
(b) Vowel Suffix : es, ing, ed, ish, age, ly, less, ship, ment, ful, s
jump + ing | jumping |
happy + est | happiest |
act + ive | active |
use + age | usage |
Soft + ly | softly |
clean + ed | cleaned |
punish + ment | punishment |
run + er | runner |
color + ful | colourful |
shiny + er | shinier |
excite + able | excitable |
fear + less | fearless |
happen + ed | happened |
slow + ly | slowly |
big + est | biggest |
leaf + es | leaves |
hop + ing | hopping |
swim + ing | swimming |
baby + ish | babyish |
art + ist | artist |
peace + ful | peaceful |
pain + ful | painful |
state + ment | statement |
job + less | jobless |
replace + ment | replacement |
quite+ ly | quietly |
fresh + ness | freshness |
head + less | headless |
bold + ness | boldness |
member + ship | membership |
accident + al | accidental |
argue + ment | argument |
secure + ity | security |
Intern + ship | Internship |
clock + wise | clockwise |
Music +al | musical |
brave + ly | bravely |
punish + ment | punishment |
self + less | selfless |
shy + ness | shyness |
thank + ful | thankful |
bold + ness | boldness |
pain + ful | painful |
end + less | endless |
talk + ed | talked |
ripe +n | ripen |
employ + ment | employment |
involve + ment | involvement |
drive +r | driver |
try + ied | tried |
press + ed | pressed |
hot + est | hottest |
bore + ing | boring |
Rules for Adding Suffix
(1) Add a consonant suffix directly to the base word.
Mouth + ful = mouthful
Teach + er = teacher
Pitch + er =pitcher
Pain + ful = painful
Music + al = musical
Fresh + ness = Freshness
(2) If the base word ends in two consonants, just add the vowel suffix.
jump + ing = jumping
link + ed = linked
park + ed = parked
form + ed = formed
smart + er =smarter
cry + ing = crying
(3) If the base word has 1 syllable, 1 short vowel, and 1 final consonant, double the final consonant before adding the vowel suffix.
When a word ends in a short vowel sound and a single consonant, you double the last letter.
Win + ing = winning
Run + er = runner
Fat + er = fatter
Flip + er = flipper
Shop + ed = shopped
Swim + ing = swimming
mud + y = muddy
mop + ed = mopped
(4) If the base word ends in a Silent E, drop the E before adding the vowel suffix.
Smile + ed = smiled
Drive + ing = driving
Hope + ing = hoping
Make + er = maker
Adore + able = adorable
Use + er = user
Silly + ness = silliness
Fly + ies = flies
Happy + ness = happiness
Lonely + ness = loneliness
Beauty + ful = beautiful
Baby + s = babies
Army + s = armies
Duty + ful = dutiful
Carry + ed = carried
Deny + ied = denied
Rely + iable = reliable
Angry + ily = angrily
(6) When a word has more than one syllable and ends with the letter “l” you will double the “l” when adding the suffix.
Cancel + ed = cancelled
Control + ed = controlled
Propel + er = propeller
Compel + ing = compelling
Fulfill + ment = fulfillment
(7) When the word ends in the letters “ce” or “ge,” you will keep the final “e” if the suffix begins with the letters “a” or “o.”
Advantage + ous = advantageous
Change + able = changeable
Courage + ous = courageous
Service + able = serviceable
Notice + able = noticeable
(8) You will also keep the “e” at the end of the word if it ends in “ee” or “ye.”
Agree + ing = agreeing
Decree + ing = decreeing
Eye + ing = eyeing
Foresee + ing = foreseeing
See + ing = seeing
(9) When the word ends with “y” and has a vowel before it you keep the “y.”
Boy + s = boys
Enjoy + ed = enjoyed
Play + ing = playing
Buy + er = buyer
Joy + ful = joyful
(10) keep the “y” if the suffix starts with the letter “i.” You cannot have two i’s in a row.
Worry + ing = worrying
Copy + ing = copying
Carry + ing = carrying
Supply + ing = supplying
Marry + ing = marrying
Die + ing = dying
Tie + ing = tying
Untie + ing = untying
Lie + ing = lying
Suffixes can show if a word is a noun, an adjective, an adverb or a verb.
(12) Words ending in vowels – no change with vowel suffixes.
echo + ed = echoed
henna + ed = hennaed
mascara+ ed = mascaraed
radio+ ed = radioed
ski + ed = skied
taxi+ ed = taxied
video +ed = videoed
13) When you add the suffix -ful to a word that ends with an “e,” keep the “e.”
care + -ful = careful
use + -ful = useful
peace + -ful = peaceful
14) When you add the suffix ly to a word that ends with an “e,” keep the “e.”
late + -ly = lately
rare +-ly= rarely
love + -ly = lovely
home + -ly = homely
definite + -ly = definitely
15) When the word has a consonant before the “y” at the end, you will need to change the “y” to “i” before adding the suffix.
beauty + -ful = beautiful
duty + -ful = dutiful
happy + -ness = happiness
Noun suffixes: age, al, ance, ant, ate, ee, ence, ent, er, or, ar, ese, ess, hood, ice, ism, ist, ment, ness, sion, tain, tion, ure
Suffixes that form adjectives: able, al, er, est, ette, let, ful, fully, ible, ic, ical, ish, ive, less, ous, some, worthy
Suffixes that form adverbs: ly, wards, ways, wide, wise
Suffixes that create a verb form: ate, ed, en, ing, ise, ize, yze
Summary of Rules
Rule | Examples |
(1) Change the y to i before vowel suffixes (except -ing) | carry + ed = carried
happy + er = happier supply + ed = supplied marry – married rely – reliable, |
(2) Change the y to i before consonant suffixes | beauty + ful = beautiful
happy + ness = happiness lonely – loneliness empty – emptiness necessary = necessarily |
(3) Changing ie to y | die + ing = dying
tie + ing = tying lie + ing = lying |
(4) y remains if the word ends in a vowel + y | employ – employer
buy – buyer joy – joyful enjoy – enjoying |
(5) Words ending in silent ‘e’ + vowel suffix | have – having
make – making love – lovable move – movable |
(6) words ending in ‘ce’ or ‘ge’ keep the ‘e’ before -ous and -able | Advantage + ous = advantageous
Change + able = changeable Courage + ous = courageous Service + able = serviceable Notice + able = noticeable |
(7) keep the ‘e’ with consonant suffixes | care+ ful = careful
hope + ful =hopeful peace + ful = peaceful use + ful =useful waste + ful =wasteful |
(8) Keep the ‘e’ when the word ends in ee or ye | agree – agreeing
eye- eyeing see – seeing |
(9) Keep the ‘e’ before -ly | accurate+ ly = accurately
like + ly = likely, love+ ly = lovely, definite + ly = definitely home + ly = homely |
(10) Words of 1 syllable ending in 1 vowel+ 1 consonant – double the last letter before a vowel suffix | shop – shopped
pot-potter fat-fatter slip-slipped |
(11) Words of more than 1 syllable ending in 1 vowel + 1 consonant when the stress is on the last syllable double up the last letter. | occur- occurred
begin – beginning commit – committed forget – forgettable |
(12) Words of more than 1 syllable ending in 1 vowel + L always double up the L before a vowel suffix | travel-travelled
cancel-cancelling model-modelling marvel – marvellous expel – expelled |
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