Nouns or Naming words refer to persons, animals, places, things, ideas, quality or events, etc.
Person: Rita, Rahul, mother, father , uncle , teacher etc.
Place : Park, School, Agra, Hospital, Mumbai etc.
Animal: Cat, Dog, Parrot, peacock, fish, octopus, lion etc.
Thing: pen, chair, book, ball, bat, mango, onion etc.
Idea: superstition, happiness, excitement etc.
Types of Nouns
1) Proper Noun
2) Common Noun
3) Countable Noun
4) Uncountable Noun
5) Collective Noun
6) Compound Noun
7) Abstract Noun
8) Concrete Noun
(1) Proper Noun
A proper noun is a name which refers to a particular person , place ,animal or thing.
A proper noun always begins with capital letters.
Example: Richard, London, January, Ganges, Australia, Red Fort, M.S. Dhoni. , Monday etc.
Ravi is an intelligent boy.
Taj Mahal is in Agra.
Ganga is a holy place
Tom is playing in a garden.
He was born in England.
The rose is red in colour.
Maya is baking a cake.
I was born in March.
The capital of Italy is Rome.
My school name is Delhi Public School.
(2) Common Noun
A common noun is a name for something which is common for many things, person, or places.
It denotes a general name for something.
Example: Country, man, girl, school, flower, dog, home, fruit, bag, insect, market, mother, father, lion ,pen etc.
The man is standing behind the tree.
The girl is wearing a pink frock.
This flower is very beautiful.
The dog is barking very loudly.
I go to school everyday.
He was not born in this country.
The books are on the desk.
This is my favourite cartoon character.
The lion is a king of Jungle.
The dress is very pretty.
(3) Countable Noun
The nouns that can be counted are called countable nouns.
Countable nouns can take an article: a, an, The. They have singular and plural forms.
In plural form these nouns can be used with a number.
Examples: Apple, chair, pen, books, pen, potato, topics, cookies, pages, bottles, birds, flowers etc.
The book has 100 pages in it.
There are 15 apples in a basket.
There are 20 books in a shelf.
I have purchased 10 pens.
There are 16 students in my class.
I have only 50 rupees.
She ate 20 cookies today.
There are 5 bottles in the refrigerator.
There are 50 birds on the tree.
There are 12 colours in a packet.
(4) Uncountable Noun
The nouns that can not be counted are called as uncountable noun.
They can only be used in singular form.
Examples: water, sugar, salt, oil, rice, coffee, money, wood, flour, sand etc .
Please give me a glass of water.
Have you got some money?
My mother will cook rice today.
I love to drink milk everyday.
Do you drink tea in the morning?
Can you please check the salt in the vegetable?
Our sofa is made up of teak wood.
The oil is very hot.
I like orange juice very much.
Do you have any work for me to do?
(5) Collective Noun
Collective nouns are names for a collection or a number of people or things.
Example: Gang, swarm, army, flock, bottle, loaf, pile, heap, bunch, troupe etc.
A herd of boar
A herd of buffaloes
A herd of cattle
A herd of cows
A string of pearls
A herd of cranes
A quiver of arrows
A herd of deer
A band of men
A herd of donkeys
A herd of elephants
A range of mountains
A herd of fairies
A herd of giraffes
A gaggles of geese
A colony of gulls
A shower of rain
A herd of gnus
A herd of goats
A basket of fruits
A herd of horses
A catch of fish
A collection of coins
A herd of moose
A herd of oxen
A herd of pigs
A bundle of sticks
A deck of cards
A herd of swans
A mob of rioters
A reel of film
A sheaf of grain
A herd of swine
An army of ants
A broad of chickens
A herd of whales
A herd of wolves
A herd of yaks
A herd of zebras
A pack of bears (polar bears)
A pack of dogs
A chest of drawers
A pack of mongooses
A pack of mules
A pack of rats
A pack of sharks
A pack of wolves
A cluster of coconuts
A flock of birds
A flock of camels
A flock of chickens
A flock of ducks
A flock of geese
A cloud of dust
A flock of goats
A flock of parrots
A flock of pigeons
A flock of seagulls
A flock of sheep
A flock of swifts
A flock of tourists
A flock of turkeys
A swarm of ants
A regiment of soldiers
A swarm of bees
A bunch of crocks
A swarm of butterflies
A swarm of flies
A tribe of natives
A swarm of gnats
A swarm of insects
A swarm of rats
A shoal of fish
A shoal of salmon
A group of guinea pigs
A caravan of gypsies
A group of islands
A group of people
A group of dancers
A choir of singers
A group of engineers
A crowd of people
A gang of labourers
A gang of slaves
A gang of thieves
A gang of crooks
A gang of prisoners
A mob of kangaroos
A mob of thieves
A mob of sheep
A class of students
A mob of kangaroos
A staff of employees
A horde of savages
A staff of servants
A crew of sailors
A choir of angels
An orchestra of musicians
A panel of experts
A bale of cotton
A board of directors
A board of trustees
A board of chess players
A basket of fruit
A troupe of monkeys
A troupe of dancers
A troupe of performers
A hail of bullets
A bunch of pigeons
A pile of books
A heap of trash
A hedge of bushes
A set of bowls
A swarm of bees
A set of utensils
A forest of trees
A stack of books
A series of events
A galaxy of stars
A series of photos
A fall of lambs
A fall of woodcock
A fleet of ships
(6) Compound Nouns
Compound Nouns are formed when two or more words are joined together to create a new noun that has an entirely new meaning.
Sun+ Flower= Sunflower
School + bag = School bag
Fruit+ juice= Fruit juice
Shoe+ box= Shoebox
Jelly + Fish= Jelly fish
Hair + Band= Hairband
Wheel + Chair = Wheelchair
Straw + Berries = Strawberries
Hand + Bag = Handbag
Dish + Washer = Dishwasher
Tooth paste= Toothpaste
Tea + pot= Teapot
Door + Bell = Doorbell
Cow+ Boy = Cowboy
Table+ Spoon = Tablespoon
Rain + Coat =Raincoat
Motor+ Cycle= Motorcycle
Rain + Bow = Rainbow
Skate + board = Skateboard
Ring + worm = Ringworm
Shoe + Lace= Shoelace
Pan + cake = Pancake
Earth + worm= Earthworm
Lady+ bug = Ladybug
Lady + finger = ladyfinger
Foot + ball= Football
Basket + ball = Basketball
Ice+ cream= Ice-cream
Water + Bottle = water Bottle
Ear + Drum = Eardrum
(7) Abstract Noun
An abstract noun is a feeling , concept , idea, quality or condition that you cannot touch, taste, hear, see or smell.
Example: Honesty, time, love, anger, happy, sorrow, courage, freedom, truth, lie, childhood, hope, fear, peace, pride, sympathy, , beauty, calmness, , pain, liberty, knowledge, leisure, relaxation, beauty, compassion, Hospitality, progress, pride, wisdom etc.
(8) Concrete Noun
Concrete nouns are people, places, or things that we can experience with our five senses (taste, touch, sight, hearing, or smell).
Example: book, table, bread, potato, bridge, building, rice, chair, pen, pencil, balloons, bones, apples, Chocolate, drum, dress, egg, flowers, trees, gloves, glasses, vase, burger, house, vegetables, key , knife, Necklace, pasta, pizza, soap, van, watch etc.
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