Question 1 What is the other term for extracellular fluid?
Question 2 What is clotting of blood?
Question 3 Write a flow chart showing major events taking place in clotting of blood?
Question 4 What are the two major functions of lymph?
Question 5 What is lymph?
Question 6 What is thromboplastin?
Question 7 What is plasma?
Blood Clotting
As the blood flow out from damaged blood vessel and comes in contact with external air, ruptured blood platelets of injured tissue release a substance called thromboplastin. It in the presence of Ca and few clotting factors converts prothrombin to thrombin. Prothrombin is a protein present in blood plasma.
Thrombin then hydrolysis fibrinogen(large soluble protein present in blood plasma)The soluble fibrinogen is converted into insoluble fibrin by the action of thrombin.
Fibrin forms needle like fibres. These fibres form a mesh work into which RBC become trapped and blood clot is formed(thick jelly which closes the ruptured blood vessel so that blood stop flowing)
Lymphatic System
It consist of lymph, capillaries, vessels, nodes or glands
Lymph is a yellow coloured, mobile liquid, connective tissue.
It consist of 2 parts:
1) plasma
2) lymphocyte cell
Plasma is a fluid matrix somewhat similar to blood plasma and contain protein molecules, digested fats, germs, fragments of dead cells. The lymphocyte cells fight against infection.
The lymph is called extracellular fluid because it lies outside the cells, flows in one direction ie from tissue to heart.
1) It absorbs some of the fluids from digestive tract.
2) It carries carbon dioxide and nitrogenous waste from tissue to the blood.
3) It protects the body by killing germs.
how blood platelets help in the clotting of blood???
class 10th
chapter 6 life processes