Question 1 List few advantages of vegetative propagation?
Question 2 What are the various methods of vegetative propagation?
Question 3 Explain the cutting method of vegetative propagation? Give example?
Question 4 Explain the layering method of vegetative propagation? Give example?
Question 5 Explain the grafting method of vegetative propagation? Give example?
Vegetative Propagation
New plants are obtained from the parts of old plants without the help of any reproductive organ.
It involves the growth and development of one or more bud present on the old part of a plant to form a new plant. These buds are in the inactive state in old parts of the plant. When provided with suitable conditions these buds grow to form new plant.
For Example : Sugarcane, roses, grapes, orange, jasmine etc.
Advantages of vegetative Propagation
(1) The new plant produced will be exactly like parent plant.
(2) The fruit trees grown by grafting grown by grafting or cutting start to bear fruit much earlier.
(3) The plants usually need less attention in their early years than plants grown from seeds.
(4) Many plants can be grown from just one parent plant.
A small part of a plant which is removed by making a cut with a sharp knife is called cutting. A cutting of parent plant having some bud on it is taken and its lower part is buried in moist soil.
For Example : Grapes, sugarcane, bananas, cactus, bougainvillea.
A branch of plant is pulled towards the ground and a part of it is covered with moist soil leaving the tip of branch exposed above the ground. After some time new root develops from the part of branch buried in the soil. The branch is then cut off from parent plant.
For Example : Jasmine, lemon, guava, strawberry.
In this the cut stem of two different plants(One with root and other without root)are joined together in such a way that the two stems join and grow as a single plant.
For Example : Apple, apricot, peach, pear.
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