- Raman goes to School with his father.
- The kettle is on the table.
- Suresh lives in Noida.
- This gift is for you.
- The dog barks at night.
- The book belongs to Sheena.
- The door of the house is red in colour.
- John jumped into the pool.
- The bird flew over the house.
- There is a deer between two trees.
- The dog hid under the table.
Kinds of Prepositions
(a) Simple Preposition
(b) Compound Preposition
(c) Double Preposition
(d) Participle Preposition
(e) Phrase Preposition
Simple Preposition
Compound Preposition
Double Preposition
Double prepositions are combination of of two simple prepositions made into one word.
Examples : into, upon, onto, out of, from within, without, throughout, inside, outside
(1) The dog jumped out of moving car.
(2) Once upon a time, there was a beautiful beautiful.
(3) The vase broke into two pieces.
(4) He climbed onto the chair.
(5) It is upto us how to solve the problem.
(6) Mary is inside the kitchen.
(7) The bird is sitting outside my window.
(8) She was laughing throughout the movie.
(9) I have to answer three questions out of five.
(10) She never leaves without her bag.
Participle Preposition
Participle preposition is a verb ending with ‘-ing’, ‘-en’ or ‘-ed’, which also acts as a preposition.
Examples : given, considering, regarding, provided, excluding, following, pending, during, including, assuming, notwithstanding, barred etc.
(1) I want every detail regarding this topic.
(2) Considering the risk involved in this job, salary is very low.
(3) Flower pots excluding the red ones have to be shifted to the new park.
(4) You should complete the pending work by tomorrow.
(5) About 20 students were present in the class, including Abhishek and Rajeev.
(6) Students were given refreshment in picnic.
(7) Who has given you this chocolate?
(8) The school has provided all the required infrastructure to their students.
(9) This shop remains closed during lunch hours.
(10) I am assuming it tastes good.
(11) Notwithstanding the shortness of his height, he plays basketball very well.
(12) You will succeed provided that you work hard.
(13) The guard barred me from entering into the park.
(14) He seems to have given it up.
(15) There was no such option available that you were considering?
Phrase Preposition
A prepositional phrase is a group of words that consists of a preposition, its object (which will be a noun or a pronoun), and any words that modify the object.
Examples : On behalf of, by way of, by virtue of, in the event of, instead of, along with, on account of, by means of, because of, with regards to, for the sake of, with a view to etc.
(1) I attended the meeting on behalf of my colleague.
(2) We walked to the beach by way of footpath.
(3) In the event of storm, flights will be cancelled.
(4) We usually travel by way of small streets in the city.
(5) Rahul gave his witness on behalf of an accused person.
(6) Priyanka got the job by virtue of her experience.
(7) In the event of breakdown, you can call workshop for repair.
(8) Vikram became Swedish resident by virtue of his marriage.
(9) I would like to have coffee instead of cold drink.
(10) She went alone to the park instead of waiting for me.
(11) The children played along with her.
(12) Doctor advised me to take rest along with medication.
(13) The patient was told to take medicines, on account of her illness.
(14) The team leader had to step down on account of poor performance.
(15) The kitchen is ventilated by means of an exhaust fan.
(16) We could not go out to play because of snowfall.
(17) We came back because of the heavy rain outside.
(18) I am writing to you with regards to your mail.
(19) There are several queries to be asked with regards to this issue.
(20) I started jogging for the sake of my health.
(21) He is studying hard with a view to upcoming exams.
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